Tuesday, February 12, 2008

No Need to Worry

In 2001, Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki of the University of Sydney, Australia, undertook a systematic survey to determine the ins and outs of navel lint. His primary findings were as follows:

Navel lint consists primarily of stray fibers from one's clothing, mixed with some dead skin cells and strands of body hair.

Contrary to expectations, navel lint appears to migrate upwards from underwear rather than downwards from shirts or tops. The migration process is the result of the frictional drag of body hair on underwear, which drags stray fibers up into the navel.

Women experience less navel lint because of their finer and shorter body hairs. Conversely, older men experience it more because of their coarser and more numerous hairs.

Navel lint's characteristic tint is likely the averaging of the colors of fibers present in the same color as clothes dryer lint

The existence of navel lint is entirely harmless, and requires no corrective action.


Gwen said...

Well. I'm glad that's all cleared up.

Captain Crab said...

It's my job to keep my readers informed of very important things that I think about.