Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Bush the Revisionist
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Nice Day for a Walk
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Captain Crab's Week in Pictures
I have no idea how or why this bus is where it is.
Cheap Gas. Station Closed. For a LONG time.
For Gwen.
What a place!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
A Public Service Announcement
Take this fun quiz about Senator McCain.
And Jackie and Dunlap from Red State Update have their own opinion on this.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Mr. Bruce Goes to Denver
Congressman Steve King, Republican from Iowa, has always been my favorite loony politician, until Colorado State Representative Douglas Bruce, Republican from Colorado Springs, Colorado got into politics. He didn't run for office, but was appointed to fill a vacancy. He was sworn in in January. Here are just a few of the things Rep. Bruce has accomplished in his short political career:
The Colorado House of Representatives censured Rep. Douglas Bruce for kicking a newspaper photographer. (before he was sworn-in)
Demanded he get sworn-in with the full House in attendance.
Rep. Douglas Bruce made much of his decision to wait until five days after the opening of this year's legislative session to be sworn in despite appeals by his own party that he start on time. But records show the Colorado Springs Republican charged per diem, and received payment, as if he had started on day one.
Bruce angered his colleagues when he refused to co-sponsor a resolution honoring Military and Veterans Appreciation Day. (with the gallery full of Veterans and Active Duty Personnel)
He was ordered to leave the podium of the Colorado House of Representatives on Monday after calling Mexican workers "illiterate peasants."
Compared himself to Jimmy Stewart in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington"
This information comes from the Rocky Mountain News.
Deal or screwed by the media
Read the entire post here.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Birthday Party
Stephanie Kaster of Manhattan
Rear all about it here.
All of this seems rather obscene to me.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
A Great Pirate Song
Not Arkansas
Oppenheimer: "Look Up"
Friday, April 18, 2008
Sh Boom!
I would always call late Thursday afternoon to wish her good luck and tell her to bowl well. On Friday, I would call to see how well she bowled. "I sucked" or "like sh#$" were her normal answers. Then, one week I forgot to call. I felt bad, because it had become a ritual. I thought that my encouragement was helping and that if the call wasn't made she would really bowl bad.
The next day I called to ask how she had bowled and to tell her that I felt horrible for forgetting the pep talk call. She had bowled GREAT the night that I forgot. Oh well, no more encouragement from the Crab.
Here are pictures of that famous Yankton spot, SH BOOMS. I especially like location of the Bud sign. Every "Family FUN Center" should have one.

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Back to the political front
Other things of note: ABC news really asked the tough questions at last night's debate.
Tim Robbins did the keynote speech at the National Association of Broadcasters meeting this week.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Cattle and Horses
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Church People
Monday, April 14, 2008
Bored? Check out the bird cam!
Update: There are two (maybe 3) baby eagles and the falcon has two or three eggs!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Do All Ambassadors Speak This Way?
Ambassador Crocker explaining something in his testimony before congress.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Something to make you feel better
*no holidays for a long time
Are you searching for truth?
Q: Dave, for which of Colombia's two exports do we need a new trade agreement?
Submitted by Juan Snow Valdez from Bogota, Colombia
A: Dude.
Answered 04/09/08 06:32:15 by Dave Barry
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Great Lines
1988 — Bentsen swats Quayle: The 41-year-old Republican vice presidential nominee had been answering questions about his qualifications by pointing out that he had been in Congress as long as JFK had been when he ran for president in 1960. It must be said that Dan Quayle was leading with his chin. The 67-year-old Democrat, Lloyd Bentsen, popped it, with the most-famous debate insult ever: “Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy.”