The following conversation is from the movie "
The President's Analyst", from 1967. James Coburn plays a psychiatrist who is given the task of, well the title tells it all. A wonderful, satirical look at the government and "The Phone Company" at work.
The following conversation is between the CEA* Agent (Godfrey Cambridge) and Dr. Schaefer (James Coburn).
*CEA and FBR are thinly veiled names in the movie for the CIA and FBI.
Don Masters, CEA Agent: "I'm a CEA agent."
Dr. Sidney Schaefer: [rises from desk, walks over to read ID card] "You ARE a CEA agent. And you really did kill someone!"
Don Masters: "Ahhummm."
Dr. Sidney Schaefer: "Fascinating, Don... I suppose it's the conditioning of motion pictures, or television, or maybe it's just it's the times we live in, but... killing is serious business, yet this little card makes it somehow less shocking... acceptable in a way! You mean to say you can actually legally kill someone?"
Don Masters: "Yeah, and it bothers me sometimes that I don't feel guilty about it. Don't you think that's psychotic behavior?"
Dr. Sidney Schaefer: "No I don't! It explains your utter lack of hostility. You can vent your aggressive feelings by actually killing people! It's a sensational solution to the hostility problem."
Don Masters: "Doctor, are you trying to tell me it's all right to kill people?"
Dr. Sidney Schaefer: "It's simply a moral question. Morality is a social invention, and in this case society has decided it's not only acceptable for certain people to kill other people... it's even commendable. Don! I've got to write a paper for the Institute on this!"
Don Masters: "I don't think the CEA would like that."