Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Stupid Videos and Nothing to Say

I was taken to task because of my "embedding these damn Doo-Doo Tube videos".

I don't always have something to say. Occasionally I find something that is funny to me and that someone else might also enjoy. My feeling about this is a lot like my advice to uptight parents about what their children see on the television: If you don't feel like watching the damn thing, don't!

Captain Crab's High Sea Adventures was not started to change the world. And By God I'm not going to start now.


pj said...

Aw come on, please, please, please change the world!

Sorry, I was just in a snit last night and the video wouldn't even show up, let alone download.

You know how those color blind tests confound you? That's the way I am when I do word verification.

Captain Crab said...

I refuse to change the world or the way this blog is administered. If every little "snit" bothered me, suicide would have been committed years ago!