Saturday, March 1, 2008

Writing is SERIOUS Business!

One would suspect that people who write blogs are merely sitting at their computers typing without having done anything special to start the creative juices flowing. After all, most bloggers are probably regular folks, or at least THINK they are, no matter what the subject matter they are writing about.

aaaaarrrrrrrrr! But not the Crab! I have to make special preparations before even thinking about doing this. And dear, sweet, lovely PJ has probably done more to help me get in the mood than anything or anyone else.

Here is the Pirate hat she bought for me and the brand new shirt that just arrived today! Wearing the hat gives me extra special writing prowess and helps me maintain focus when a mental blockage tries to overtake my brain.

This extra special coffee cup* is also necessary. However, if it is empty or without the coffee drops on the side (I spill a lot sometimes) I spontaneously play a game of "FreeCell", thus killing the "spur of the moment" or "by the seat of my pants" writing style that is my trademark**.

*given to me by our good friend C who divides her time between Philly and Florida.

**at least that's what I think


For all of you Michael Jackson fans, here, courtesy of 23/6 is a quiz.

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