Friday, January 30, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
On the Road with Captain Crab
The thing is, this room is no nicer than the Comfort Inns that I was in last week. They have an elevator here so I can get to the third floor without having to walk up, so that's cool, I guess.
The motels I stay at regularly are quite nice, have FREE wireless internet, and are strategically located near restaurants so I don't have to drive.
The Sheraton has a bar. I just went down and had a beer with a friend of mine. $4.55 for a pint of Bud Light (which isn't beer by the way).
The Sheraton has wireless internet. $9.95/day. I am on this sucker as long as my eyes will stay open.
The Sheraton has a restaurant. Expensive. The food is.......
So, why am I here? I don't make the reservations when we attend trade shows!
Kevin Costner and Leland, Iowa
Monday, January 26, 2009
Blagojevich and the Media

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
A Note to My Right Wing Friends
You did it to yourselves.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
On the Road
What the f*** was that?
Do I need help?
It's Time to Do What is Right
A lot of people are referring to the inauguration as a "Coronation". They haven't taken the time to think about what has happened.
Other people think that we should immediately start war crimes investigations into GW Bush and his administration.
We now have an intelligent man, who happens to be a man of color and from a humble background, to replace a man of ineptitude, who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth.
The problems that our country has call for cooperation and bipartisanship. Not the divisive rhetoric that has plagued the US since Bill Clinton was elected.
It's Not the Dog's Fault, He's Depressed
Former French president Jacques Chirac was rushed to hospital after being mauled by his own 'clinically depressed' pet dog.Read the whole story at the Daily Mail.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
On the Road to Washington

The picture you have all been waiting for: Captain Crab!
I need to talk to Stephen about taking pictures of my self.
"Ice cold showers are not a good way to start the morning."
Captain Crab
Quote of the Day
"Usually they don't come in, cook themselves dinner, then burn your house down," police spokeswoman Anita Shell said.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The End of the World as We Know It!
Please go to the White House website so you don't have to keep pinching yourself.
By the way, I am in Washington tonight! Washington, Iowa that is. But if I can't be in DC, IA works for me!
The End of the World as They Know It!
This afternoon, I had to check back in with the white guys to see how they feel. They just don't get what happened! These poor guys and their listeners are the most whiny, paranoid, cry babies in the bloody world.
Excuse me while I say.....FUCK THEM!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Leg Stomping Cows in Colorado
From the Daily Camera:
Cow charges cyclist on Boulder open space
By Amy Bounds (Contact)
Originally published 05:23 p.m., January 19, 2009
Updated 06:13 p.m., January 19, 2009
BOULDER — A cow charged a woman on the South Boulder Creek Trail on Monday afternoon, knocking her down, officials said.
The woman was riding her bike on the trail when she encountered the cow, and she stopped to let the animal pass, said Pete Taylor, a ranger for Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks. The cow knocked the woman over and walked on her legs, he said.He said the woman -- whose name wasn't released -- wasn’t seriously injured, and she refused medical treatment.
She didn’t appear to do anything to provoke the animal, which witnesses said appeared to have an injured leg, he said. The cow had left the scene by the time rangers arrived, but hikers coming down the trail were warning others about the rogue bovine.
Marshall Mesa open space is leased by livestock owners and used as grazing land. Taylor said the cow’s owner was notified.
Jason Vogel, vice president of the Boulder Mountain Bike Alliance, called the attack "odd, rare and random" and said he hasn’t heard of any other cows going after cyclists. It’s not even common to come across cows on the trails, he said, though they often can be seen nearby.
"It’s not something people should be concerned about," he said.
Crisis in Alaska
Before winter hit, people couldn't’t afford to gas up their boats, ATVs or snowmachines, or outfit their subsistence hunting trips, which is why people are going hungry. Their freezers aren't stocked as they typically are, and processed foods in the local stores are sucking up whatever cash families have. With an example of two packages of hot dogs coming to $12, and milk almost $10 a gallon, it’s no wonder.While we have been complaining about the cost of gas, the winter weather, etc. residents of these communities are wondering how to stay alive.
Bethel, AK grocery store:
Milk - $9.89 a gallon.
A gallon of liquid Tide - $29.79.
16oz bottle of Mug rootbeer - $2.65
Subway foot long $10.89
The whole story is at The Mudflats.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Obama and Iowa
“We have been inclusive since the mid-1800s,” said Wayne Ford, a seven-term state legislator from Des Moines and the state’s longest serving black representative. “People here can look at a person’s message or athletic ability more than the color of their skin.”
Ford referred to an Iowa Civil Rights timeline he compiled to back his point, from the Territorial Supreme Court ruling that fugitive slaves were free in 1839, to Iowa becoming the first northern state to give black men the right to vote after the Civil War.
He explains, too, that the Iowa Constitution was amended in 1880 to allow black men to serve in the Iowa General Assembly.
Read the entire article at the Des Moines Register.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
I Love Winter
You need very cold weather to get a picture like this.
You can't "snow snorkel" nude without snow.

You can look forward to sitting here, beer in hand, and heckling golfers.
And you get to complain about the weather for a few months.
The man took the package to Denton police later that night, police spokesman Officer Ryan Grelle said. It contained a 30-pound brick of compressed marijuana with a street value of $10,500.
UPS mistakenly delivered it to the Denton house about 8 p.m., Grelle said. The resident was not at home at the time and opened it when he returned.
The story is at the Dallas News.
Important Announcement
*Suggested by Her Highness
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Super Happy Funtime Blog Fan Club Minutes
Piper is a word that should never be mentioned around him.
We both love our cats, Kitcha and Skittles.
I am nearly old enough to be his .................uncle.
We have similar styles of conversation. Bouncing around like a beach ball at a Jimmy Buffett concert.
Steve is TALL! Due to the way our evening went, I never had a chance to ask him who he played pro basketball for.
He loves flying and hanging out at "Million Air".
We had a great time with the blind date responses from his "Facebook" friends!
Steve is better than the last blind date I had. But, back then when a friend said the girl I was going out with was "a good conversationalist and sews her own clothes", I should have just said no.
Steve is a good conversationalist, but I have no idea whether or not he sews his own clothes.
It was one HELL of a night!
No one really knows who Captain Crab is! aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!
But most importantly, we did discuss Super Happy Funtime Blog, and how much we love it!
No Wind Chill at Least
Last Update on Jan 15, 6:55 am CST
Lat: 44.39 Lon: -98.22 Elev: 1281
71 %
Wind Speed:
30.75" (1046.6 mb)
-34°F (-37°C)
10.00 mi
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
How cold is it?
Read All About It!!!!!!!!!!!
On a semi-related note, South Dakota Steve and I had a great dinner and conversation last night.
Gwen: eeecccccckkkkkk!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Now, there's a new man in charge.
No Child Left Behind
The survey reveals that Texas is ranked last in high school graduation rates and also found that more children in Texas had to retake kindergarten.It's truly amazing to me that children actually have to retake kindergarten!
Dubya, ya done good.
Monday, January 12, 2009
The average wedding in Iowa costs $26,500.So I looked up divorce rates in the United States:
And with that kind of investment, said Cynthia Betts, certified wedding planner for, people are doing everything they can to ensure they get the "most bang for their buck."
The divorce rate in America for first marriage, vs second or third marriageWhich means a lot of money is wasted! But wait, it does provide employment for "certified wedding planners".
50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages end in divorce, according to Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri.”
One Shining Moment
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Increase Your Income
Read the story at CNN"Under the law, sheriffs are permitted to keep -- as personal income -- money left over after purchasing food for inmates.
The state provides sheriffs with $1.75 per day per inmate for food, according to the Alabama Attorney General's Office. However, in a March 2008 opinion, the office affirmed that sheriffs may legally keep what is left over."
Friday, January 9, 2009
Southern Bitch
Presidents and Joe the Journalist (aka Plumber)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Elvis Has Left the Arena
Monday, January 5, 2009
Snickers Bars May Be Lethal Weapons
From Time/CNN:
"Recently, a Massachusetts school district evacuated a school bus full of 10-year-olds after a stray peanut was found on the bus floor."Have we gone completely nuts (no pun intended)?
Read the whole story here.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Skittles Update
Quote of the Day
"the general idea appears to be that if you give the banks capital they will in turn use it to make loans in order to stimulate the economy. Never mind that if you want banks to make smart, prudent loans, you probably shouldn't give money to bankers who sunk themselves by making a lot of stupid, imprudent ones."
How Much is Love Worth?
She took part in the slaying of her Mother and two brothers. Her Father was wounded but has recovered. She was 16 at the time.
She and her boy friend decided killing her family was the only way they could be together after her parents wouldn't let them date.
Love isn't worth 42 years in jail.
Read the story at The Tyler Morning News.
And now for something completely different, but much more fun:
The White House has released a booklet highlighting President GW Bush's accomplishments. It's a big PDF and not worth down loading. Unless you have a 1st grader that is just learning how to read. But, be sure to your child that this is just make believe!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Guest Blogger: Skittles
1. There is another cat, Mouse, that lives in this house. He is this huge monstrosity of a thing. I have attempted to make friends with him, but he seems to be rather aloof! All he does is sleep and eat then eat and sleep.

2. A dog also lives here! WTF! A dog for crying out loud! Now, Gretchen hasn't bothered me yet, but how can I trust a dog?

3. I have been here since Tuesday. I was just figuring out where everything was. I located the food, the water, the litter box, and all of the great hiding spots (you can't be too careful when there's a dog in the house!).
But today, Captain Crab decides that I need to go to the vet to get the stitches from my spaying surgery removed. Nice Guy! Then this vet takes my temperature and listens to my heart and lungs, signs some papers, and he and the Captain talk about stuff that is completely irrelevant to me! All I wanted to do was go home, but they have to stand there and blabber for what seemed to be forever.
I am home now thank goodness. After I am finished with this, I think I'll take a nap. It's been a long day already.
Friday, January 2, 2009

Ice Fishing and Cheeseheads

Well, the weather was a bit windy and the Wisconsin Badgers weren't in a bowl game and the Packers didn't make the playoffs this year, so why not go ice fishing?
Because the ice might break away from the shore if a ship passes by!
Here is the story from the Green Bay Press Gazette.