Prince William Sound changed forever on March 23, 1989. The Exxon Valdez, a tanker loaded with crude oil left port and ran aground, spilling 11,000,000 gallons that eventually spread over 600 miles. The devastation was incredible. For more pictures, go here.
In 1994, a court ordered Exxon Mobile to pay 5 million dollars in punitive damages. An appeals court reduced that to $2.5 million, about 3 weeks of profits for Exxon Mobile today.
But, they still haven't paid, while more tham 6,000 of the plaintiffs have died since the court decision.
The Supreme Court will finally here oral arguments in the case this week. Here's more.
Well, Captain, you don't want to get in a rush about things!
And that would be why I don't buy their gasoline anymore-the unconscionable profit. I didn't know about the tanker payment. Thanks for being so informative Captain.
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