Saturday, February 2, 2008

Saturday Morning Roundup

Nearly a month after the Iowa Caucus, Obama is still present at the Iowa Events Center. Is this an omen?

Sometimes the editing process at small town newspapers isn't quite thorough enough. An example is this obituary for Richard "Dick".
Ann Coulter does not like John McCain. Or the "terminator":

Schwarzenegger endorsed McCain yesterday at a "solar energy plant?! ... Why not an abortion clinic?" (read more)
Don't drink too heavily at the Iowa Events Center:


Idea #527 said...

I'm sort of hurt you were at the Iowa Events Center and did not call me. You do realize I work above a Brewery like 4 blocks from there, right?!?


Captain Crab said...

NO, I didn't know that! Tell H to get all of your contact info to me.