There is no way in hell that the following are just coincidence!
Iowa Gay Marriage: Swine Flu
Iowa Gay Marriage: Air Force One buzzing the Statue of Liberty
Iowa Gay Marriage: Arlen Specter turns Democrat
Iowa Gay Marriage: GM drops Pontiac
Iowa Gay Marriage: Bob Dylan's new album gets a B- rating
and there are gorillas in Iowa:
I thought this might be Dale the Truck Driver until I saw the Oklahoma license plate
"During the Ronald Reagan years our debt went from about $85 billion to $255 billion. Not a tea party in sight — as a matter of fact, Reagan is viewed by some as the greatest president of the 20th century.
When Bush 41 took the deficit up to $399 billion during his final year in office, he hailed it as a victory. The year before the deficit hit $432 billion. Still no tea parties.
The Clinton years saw the deficit morph into a $128 billion surplus. No tea parties. No dancing in the streets. No waving of signs and rejoicing that our children’s futures were secure.
That’s a good thing because the first year of George W. Bush’s presidency that surplus turned into a $133 billion deficit. We hadn’t seen nuthin’ yet."
Nixon's trip to The People's Republic of China on February 21, 1972 confused most average Americans of the time. For one thing, most Americans had come to believe that all communist countries were evil, and that it was American's duty to rid the world of such threats - hence the military involvement in Vietnam. So, you can imagine their confusion when they saw Nixon shaking hands with a communist leader in the name of friendship. After all, if communism was the enemy, and China was communist, didn't that make them the "bad guys?"From "Nixon's Visit to China"
“If this is the worst thing that happens in my life, my life’s pretty good”.
“Ya’ll smile, it’s not that bad. It’s a golf tournament.”
Kenny Perry after placing 2nd in the Master's Golf Tournament
"I said I'm going to get extra meat this time. But he didn't even put extra shrimp in there," the woman told a 911 dispatcher. "I asked him, 'Can I get any extra shrimp, or can you give my money back?' And he started hollering. So I just said, 'I'm going to call the police.'"
“This is an unconstitutional ruling and another example of activist judges molding the Constitution to achieve their personal political ends. Iowa law says that marriage is between one man and one woman. If judges believe the Iowa legislature should grant same sex marriage, they should resign from their positions and run for office, not legislate from the bench.
“Now it is the Iowa legislature’s responsibility to pass the Marriage Amendment to the Iowa Constitution, clarifying that marriage is between one man and one woman, to give the power that the Supreme Court has arrogated to itself back to the people of Iowa. Along with a constitutional amendment, the legislature must also enact marriage license residency requirements so that Iowa does not become the gay marriage Mecca due to the Supreme Court’s latest experiment in social engineering.”
Sometimes, technology isn't all it’s cracked up to be.A motorist armed with a GPS navigation unit, one of those devices which tells drivers which way to turn, failed — and badly — Tuesday morning, setting up what would be an eight hour ordeal in Langlade County’s wooded western edge.From the Antigo Daily Journal